BARCHORDS Issue 24 - hope to see you tomorrow!

20 Apr 2016 by Kathleen McGuire

Dear all,

This is your weekly Victorian Bar Community Choir bulletin. Apologies for the multiple communications last week (caused by human error in the settings). Hopefully you’ll get only one this week.

In the weekly newsletter you will receive basic information in one place; visit TeamApp via your device for further details (eg downloading music files, visiting the calendar, sharing photos):

Our weekly gatherings started up again last Thursday, April 14, with Dr Kathleen McGuire returning again as choir master. A small but stalwart group gathered and we look forward to seeing a few more of you tomorrow, 1pm – 2pm, at the Welsh Church, 320 La Trobe Street starting, 14 April and finishing 23 June 2016.

Here are 10 reasons why you (or your Bar Association friends/colleagues) should join us:

1) Tons of fun; no pressure; no experience necessary

2) Generally improve your well being: singing helps you relax, lowers blood pressure, lifts your spirits, soothes the soul, improves memory, builds camaraderie, helps you make new friends, improves your self-esteem etc.

3) Learn new skills (it’s like having a singing lesson)

4) Familiar, fun music

5) Too busy? It’s absolutely okay if you have to arrive late or leave early or only come occasionally

6) Bring your lunch with you if you like
7) It’s okay if you don’t read music (eg rehearsal audio files are provided so you can listen to them at home)

8) Don’t be scared of the conductor’s credentials (she’s very friendly and adept at working with groups of people who have variable experience and talents)

9) The choir’s TeamApp is a fantastic tool to use (it’s basically a one-stop, interactive website):

10. Try Choir before you buy! Come for a couple of weeks to see if you like it.

Cost is $120, with March 2016 Bar Readers able to join at no cost during their reading period. Please contact Courney Bow: or complete the form attached here.

To keep track of our activities, you can now link TeamApp to your device’s calendar using this link:

REVISED from last week: we have TWO performances tentatively scheduled for the annual Law Week run by the Victoria Law Foundation:

1) Law Week’s launch event, Wed May 11th. The event will run 6 – 7:30PM at Waldron Hall, County Court.

2) During our regular gathering on Thursday, May 19th, 1-2PM. The Law Foundation is looking for a venue for us close to our usual meeting place. Stay tuned…

We’re focussing on a cappella (unaccompanied) repertoire this term, including some pieces we’ve done before which will make it easy for us to put together a little program for Law Week.

Have an item to share? Please forward to Kathleen by Monday each week.


NO EXCUSES! – Kathleen’s No Excuses! choir project about family violence was featured on ABC-TV on April 1st. You can watch the program here (music appears in the last few minutes):

MELBOURNE INTERNATIONAL SINGERS FESTIVAL – Phase 2 of the No Excuses! project will commence with rehearsals next Sunday, 4PM in Sunshine (women only). There are also opportunities for men and women to participate in the Melbourne International Singers Festival generally, working with Kathleen McGuire, Jonathon Welch and visiting from the US: Kirby Shaw. For more information, visit: